I present the antlers to each person and ask, "How do you feel- holding part of a wild animal, a dead animal body part, a symbol of their power?" - the responses vary from Powerful to Delicate to Conflicted and Savage.
We work together to create a variety of emotions with each pose.
--and it's a little challenging, these antlers are heavy!
The idea is to capture something beautiful and confusing, a bit mystical, emotive and inspired. -- chrissy lynn

Credits + big Thank Yous to my collaborators in this project.
The list will continue to grow, and populate below:
Caina Summer, with Scout Model Management
Lizzie Gunst, JE Model Management
Ashley Hasegawa, JE Model Management
Nick Dombrowski, JE Model Managment
Alexa Eisner, Stylist
Sarah Shada, Independent Model
Govi Zeigenfuss, Independent Model
Breanna Baker, Independent
Xela Gaerlan
Gina diGirolamo
Alexa Eisner
Felicia Chang
Ashley Hasegawa
Chad Bank
Mindy Crawford
Devon Miller